Wednesday, April 26 5:30-7am
Aquarian Sadhana is an early morning practice given by Yogi Bhajan. We wake before the sun, practice and chant in sacred space with the intention of priming ourselves for the day and these times. We enter quietly, with respect and awareness that we are in a sensitive state as we begin our day.
The complete Aquarian Sadhana is two and a half hours and involves reciting a prayer (Japji), a Kundalini Yoga kriya, relaxation, and 62 minutes of chanting specific mantras. We will introduce the practice with a Kundalini class and chanting.
Join us in community in the amrit vela, the early morning hours, when the body and mind are in an optimal mode for deep meditation. Dedicate yourself to yourself, to your soul's journey before the busy-ness of the day begins.
The energy exchange is whatever you feel -- a piece of fruit, a flower, a stone, or a few dollars (which help us cover the cost of renting the space),
For more information about Aquarian Sadhana and the Aquarian Mantras, click here.
The complete Aquarian Sadhana is two and a half hours and involves reciting a prayer (Japji), a Kundalini Yoga kriya, relaxation, and 62 minutes of chanting specific mantras. We will introduce the practice with a Kundalini class and chanting.
Join us in community in the amrit vela, the early morning hours, when the body and mind are in an optimal mode for deep meditation. Dedicate yourself to yourself, to your soul's journey before the busy-ness of the day begins.
The energy exchange is whatever you feel -- a piece of fruit, a flower, a stone, or a few dollars (which help us cover the cost of renting the space),
For more information about Aquarian Sadhana and the Aquarian Mantras, click here.